Browsing by Author Bagla, J.S.

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Issue DateTitleGuideTypeAuthor(s)
2019Atomic Hydrogen in Star-forming Galaxies at Intermediate Redshifts-ArticleBagla, J.S.
2013Cold gas at high redshifts-ArticleBagla, J.S.
2020Compact objects and Black Holes: Nobel Prize for Physics 2020-ArticleBagla, J.S.
2019Erratum: Angular clustering of point sources at 150 MHz in the TGSS survey-ArticleRana, S.; Bagla, J.S.
2020Erratum: Nonlinear spherical perturbations in quintessence models of dark energy-ArticlePratap Rajvanshi, M.; Bagla, J.S.
2020Finding singularities in gravitational lensing-ArticleMeena, A.K.; Bagla, J.S.
2011Formation rates of dark matter haloes-ArticleBagla, J.S.
2015Gravitational collapse and structure formation in an expanding universe-ArticleBagla, J.S.
2019Gravitational Collapse and Structure Formation in an Expanding Universe with Dark Energy-ArticleBagla, J.S.
2020Gravitational lensing of gravitational waves: wave nature and prospects for detection-ArticleMeena, A.K.; Bagla, J.S.
2019Gravitational Waves from merging binaries-ArticleJahanvi; Meena, Ashish Kumar; Bagla, J.S.
2017Gravity and the Quantum-BookBagla, J.S.
2017Gravity and the Quantum: pedagogical essays on cosmology, astrophysics, and quantum gravity-BookBagla, J.S.
2011Hyperfine transition of Helium-3 as a probe of the high redshift universe-ArticleBagla, J.S.
2020Modeling the Survival of Population III Stars to the Present Day-ArticleDutta, J.; Bagla, J.S.
2018Non-Gaussianity of diffuse Galactic synchrotron emission at 408 MHz-ArticleRana, S.; Bagla, J.S.
2020Non-linear spherical collapse in tachyon models and a comparison of collapse in tachyon and quintessence models of dark energy-ArticleRajvanshi, M.P.; Bagla, J.S.
2018Nonlinear spherical perturbations in quintessence models of dark energy-ArticleRajvanshi, M.P.; Bagla, J.S.
2017Preface-OtherBagla, J.S.
2017Prof. Padmanabhan: A Personal and Professional History-Book chapterBagla, J.S.