Browsing by Author Chander, S.

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 21  next >
Issue DateTitleGuideTypeAuthor(s)
2021Analysis of different vacuum annealing levels for ZnSe thin films as potential buffer layer for solar cells-ArticleChander, S.
2022Analysis of different vacuum annealing levels for ZnSe thin films as potential buffer layer for solar cells-ArticleChander, S.
2020Annealing evolution to physical properties of CdCl2 activated CdTe:Cu films for absorber layer functioning-ArticleChander, S.
2019Bi-incorporated CdTe thin films for solar cells: Air annealing evolution to structural, optical, electrical and surface topographical properties-ArticleChander, S.
2020Enhanced physicochemical properties of ZnTe thin films as potential buffer layer in solar cell applications-ArticleChander, S.
2019Exploration of CdMnTe thin film solar cells-ArticleChander, S.; Dhaka, M.S.
2019Impact of chloride treatment on the physical properties of polycrystalline thin CdTe films for solar cell applications-ArticlePatel, S.L.; Himanshu; Chander, S.; Kannan, M.D.; Dhaka, M.S.
2020Impact of different annealing conditions on physical properties of ZnSe thin films for ecofriendly buffer layer applications-ArticleChander, S.
2020Impact of Hydrogen flow rate on physical properties of ZnS thin films: As potential buffer layer in solar cells-ArticleChander, S.
2018Influence of NH 4 Cl treatment on physical properties of CdTe thin films for absorber layer applications-ArticlePatel, S.L.; Chander, S.; Purohit, A.; Kannan, M.D.; Dhaka, M.S.
2020Physical properties of ZnSe thin films: Air and vacuum annealing evolution to buffer layer applications-ArticleChander, S.
2019Role of low-cost non-toxic MgCl2 treatment on ZnS films: Optimization of physical properties for buffer layers-ArticleChander, S.
2019Structural and electrical properties of thin CdTe films with the application of CdCl2 activation-ArticleChander, S.
2021Substrate Evolution to Microstructural and Optoelectrical Properties of Evaporated CdS Thin Films Correlated with Elemental Composition-ArticleChander, S.
2020Thermal evolution to MgCl2 activation on physical properties of CdTe thin films for solar cell applications-ArticleChander, S.
2019Toward CdCl2 activation on CdSe thin films for absorber layer applications-ArticlePatel, S.L.; Himanshu; Kaushalya; Chander, S.; Kannan, M.D.; Dhaka, M.S.
2018Towards CdZnTe solar cells: An evolution to post-treatment annealing atmosphere-ArticleChander, S.; De, A.K.
2019Towards cost effective absorber layer to solar cells: Optimization of physical properties to Cu doped thin CdTe films-ArticleHimanshu; Patel, S.L.; Agrawal, D.; Chander, S.; Thakur, Anup; Dhaka, M.S.
2019Understanding the physical properties of CdCl2 treated thin CdSe films for solar cell applications-ArticleChander, S.
2020Understanding the physical properties of thin TiO2 films treated in different thermal atmospheric conditions-ArticleAgarwal, R.; Himanshu; Patel, S.L.; Chander, S.; Ameta, C.; Dhaka, M.S.