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dc.contributor.authorMev, Adeeb-
dc.description.abstractIn this thesis we provide the results obtained through lattice Monte Carlo simula- tions of the bosonic BMN and the bosonic BFSS matrix models. The simulations are performed using Hybrid Monte Carlo (HMC) algorithm. The BMN matrix model is expected to have a Hagedorn/deconfinement type phase transition as the temperature is varied in the system. The Polyakov loop is used as an order parameter for detecting the phase transition. Besides the Polyakov loop, other prime observables such as the internal energy and the extent of space were also computed. We also check the valid- ity of numerical simulation algorithms by exploring the behavior of various relevant toy models. As the main result of this thesis, we present a parametrized phase diagram of the bosonic BMN matrix model constructed using two dimensionless parameters: a di- mensionless coupling constant and a dimensionless temperature.en_US
dc.subjectMatrix Modelen_US
dc.titleSimulations of Bosonic BMN Matrix Modelen_US
dc.guideJoseph, A.-
Appears in Collections:MS-15

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