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Title: Graphs of hyperbolic groups and a limit set intersection theorem
Authors: Sardar, Pranab
Keywords: Hyperbolic groups
Bass-Serre theory
Limit sets
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: American Mathematical Society
Citation: Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 146(5), pp. 1859-1871
Abstract: We define the notion of limit set intersection property for a collection of subgroups of a hyperbolic group; namely, for a hyperbolic group G and a collection of subgroups S we say that S satisfies the limit set intersection property if for all H,K ε S we have Λ(H)n∩(K) = Λ(Hn∩K). Given a hyperbolic group admitting a decomposition into a finite graph of hyperbolic groups structure with QI embedded condition, we show that the set of conjugates of all the vertex and edge groups satisfies the limit set intersection property.
Appears in Collections:Research Articles

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