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Title: Can low power laser induce dimple on air-water interface?
Authors: Verma, Gopal
Gaurav, Abhishek
Nair, J.
Singh, K.P.
Keywords: Fluid interfaces
Investigate deformations
Laser beam
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Optical Society of America
Citation: CLEO: Science and Innovations, CLEO_SI 2013
Abstract: We investigate deformations of fluid interfaces caused by small (~nN) optical force of a low power laser beam under total-internal-reflection. For air-water interface deformations are undetectable, unlike recently claimed in ref. [3]. Using a critical fluid-fluid interface having weak surface tension large fluid-lens effects in the form of a bump are seen. Our observations support standard optofluidic force-balance with potential for technological applications.
Description: Only IISERM authors are available in the record.
Appears in Collections:Research Articles

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