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Title: Quantum double-double-slit experiment with momentum entangled photons
Authors: Kaur, M.
Singh, Mandip
Keywords: Quantum
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Nature Research
Citation: Scientific Reports, 10(1)
Abstract: Double-double-slit thought experiment provides profound insight on interference of quantum entangled particles. This paper presents a detailed experimental realisation of quantum double-double-slit thought experiment with momentum entangled photons and theoretical analysis of the experiment. Experiment is configured in such a way that photons are path entangled and each photon can reveal the which-slit path information of the other photon. As a consequence, single photon interference is suppressed. However, two-photon interference pattern appears if locations of detection of photons are correlated without revealing the which-slit path information. It is also shown experimentally and theoretically that two-photon quantum interference disappears when the which-slit path of a photon in the double-double-slit is detected.
Appears in Collections:Research Articles

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