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Title: Twisted conjugacy classes in twisted Chevalley groups
Authors: Bhunia, Sushil
Dey, Pinka
Roy, Amit
Keywords: Twisted conjugacy
Chevalley groups
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: World Scientific
Citation: Journal of Algebra and its Applications, 21(3), 2250052.
Abstract: Let G be a group and φ be an automorphism of G. Two elements x,y∈G are said to be φ-twisted conjugate if y=gxφ(g)−1 for some g∈G. We say that a group G has the R∞-property if the number of φ-twisted conjugacy classes is infinite for every automorphism φ of G. In this paper, we prove that twisted Chevalley groups over a field k of characteristic zero have the R∞-property as well as the S∞-property if k has finite transcendence degree over Q or Aut(k) is periodic.
Description: Only IISER Mohali authors are available in the record.
Appears in Collections:Research Articles

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