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Title: Probing non-perturbative supersymmetry breaking through lattice path integrals
Authors: Dhindsa, Navdeep Singh
Joseph Anosh
Keywords: non-perturbative
lattice path
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Springer Nature
Citation: European Physical Journal Plus, 137(10), 45262.
Abstract: We investigate non-perturbative supersymmetry breaking in various models of quantum mechanics, including an interesting class of PT-invariant models, using lattice path integrals. These theories are discretized on a temporal Euclidean lattice with anti-periodic boundary conditions. Hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm is used to update the field configurations to their equilibrium values. We used the Ward identities, expectation value of the action, and the expectation value of the first derivative of the superpotential as tools for probing supersymmetry breaking.
Description: Only IISER Mohali authors are available in the record.
Appears in Collections:Research Articles

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