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Title: Exploration of the regenerative responses after Immunosuppression in mouse Digit tips and after ctcf Knockdown in Zebrafish Retina
Authors: Gaur, Diksha
Keywords: Immunosuppression
Zebrafish Retina
Issue Date: May-2023
Publisher: IISER Mohali
Abstract: Regeneration is the process of restoring an injured tissue to its original state. It is a collaborative process which involves the release of proteins, stimulating cell growth and division, facilitating other processes that are necessary for tissue repair. In some animals wound healing leads to regeneration, while in others it leads to formation of the scars. Age, species, various molecular players, microenvironment and the availability of stem cells are some of the factors which decides whether immune activation would result in tissue regeneration or would lead to scarring. This project’s aim was to explore the molecular expression of various regeneration associated genes (RAGs) after immunosuppression in mice. It sheds light on the role of immunosuppression in enhancement of regeneration.
Description: embargo period
Appears in Collections:MS-18

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